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Promises Made, Promises Kept









"This is just the beginning of what we can accomplish if we all do our part. Freedom-loving people can win at anything from the precincts to the presidency."


Brant was born and raised in Georgia.


Brant serves as Chairman of the Coweta Republican Party and as a State Committeeman and served as Vice Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party from 2019-23. 


Promises Made - Promises Kept


  • Brant promised to build a website or Facebook page for every county party that wanted one and he kept his promise.

  • Brant promised to build a database of potential volunteers for county parties and he kept his promise.

  • Brant promised to fight for a platform for the state party and in June 2020, he kept that promise when as Chairman of the GAGOP Resolutions Committee he lead in the passage of the first platform in the modern history of the GA Republican Party.

Frost 2024.png

Brant is a member of:


GRA-PAC (Chairman) 

Frontline Policy Council of Georgia

Georgia Conservatives In Action (President)

Metro Atlanta Republicans

Republican Liberty Caucus

Young Americans for Liberty 

Coweta Tea Party Patriots

Madison Forum

Republicans for National Renewal


Georgia Republican Assembly (Vice President)

Georgia Republican Foundation

United Republican Fund

GA2A - formally Georgia Carry (Board of Directors)

Georgia Freedom Fund (Board of Directors)


GA Right to Life

Eagle Forum 

President's Team

Franklin Roundtable

Call or text me anytime at 678-326-9705 - Brant Frost

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